Sensizym Advanced Nutrients
Many companies that specialize in hydroponics products sell a hastily assembled limited set of enzymes. Instead of using the exact types and ratios of enzymes that would be effective even in the most difficult root zone, some companies present their enzyme products without knowing their composition. Those who want to offer the buyer a guaranteed effective enzyme Supplement should use enzymes that have been specially studied in a professional bioengineering laboratory.
The roots of your plants will help you increase your yield if the root zone is filled with active enzymes that break down waste and promote the absorption of nutrients. It goes without saying that a convenient enzyme Supplement that breaks down dead material in your root zone, which creates nutrition for your plants from it, is very profitable, and you will certainly save on this.
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym is an ideal enzyme formula that is suitable for hydroponic crop production. A concentrate of 80 types of enzymes that have been carefully selected to achieve the greatest effectiveness of the drug. The stimulator supports the breakdown of dead plant cells and transforms them into nutrients. Promotes root renewal.
Use 2 ml per 1 liter of water every week.
Your plants (like the human digestive tract) build up organic waste. Left in the root zone, this waste can impair growth and flowering or contribute to disease. But when you give your crops specifically formulated enzymes, they scour the root zone, removing the debris and eradicating disease by ‘recycling’ it into usable carbohydrates that fuel bud growth and boost yields! Now, enzymes sound great, but only Sensizym® is guaranteed in two unique ways: First, it’s a specific combination of high-grade bioactive enzymes that work best for our high-value plants. Second, it’s guaranteed to have a stable shelf life and be fully active at the time of purchase – unlike other products, which are often completely inert on the shelf. Lastly, growers report that Sensizym decomposes root zone debris so well, you can often reuse growing media such as rockwool and coco coir for another crop lifecycle – saving you money! As always, you risk nothing trying Sensizym because our Grower Guarantee ensures that you’ll be 100% satisfied or you get all your money back.
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