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Terpinator 208 Litres

Price: $2,754.99 Loading Data
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$2,754.99 Loading Data
Terpinator is formulated to increase the concentration of terpinoids in aromatic plant oils and glands. The unique composition of Terpinator provides the basic building blocks that plants require to produce flavorful oils. By using naturally occurring plant and biological compounds, unique enzymatic pathways within a plant's body are utilized to enhance the production of terpinoids and plant oils. These glands are brought to their maximum potential and size using Terpinator along with a nutrient regimen. Terpinator also catalyzes steps in a plants normal metabolism that will protect and prolong fragrances of your plant's dried fruits and flowers.

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Product details
Shipping Weight: 27.22 Kg
SKU: 1878
Date first available: November 19 2016
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